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What is today's blog about?
In this week’s blog, we look at the RICS Bichard Review, an independent review into the RICS’ purpose, governance and strategy. You can access the full Review here.
This is essential reading for all RICS AssocRICS and APC candidates, as well as qualified surveyors.
What is the Bichard Review?
The RICS appointed Lord Michael Bichard to lead an independent review into the RICS’ purpose, governance and strategy, following the publication of the Levitt Review in 2021.
In his opening letter to RICS Members, Lord Bichard commented that:
‘One of the key recommendations within the Levitt Review was that RICS Governing Council should appoint an independent external person to carry out a review into the Institution’s Purpose, Governance and Strategy.
I was recently appointed by Governing Council to carry out that Review.
I regard it as a privilege to work with one of the world’s great professional institutions at such a critical moment in its long history and I hope that I can use my experience in the public, private, academic and charitable sectors to deliver a Review that does justice to this Institution’s distinguished heritage.
My aim is to produce the report by June 2022, engaging with the widest possible range of Members, Candidates, Fellows and stakeholders to understand the challenges and opportunities facing the Institution and produce a Report that wins the support of a wide cross-section of RICS. With over 134,000 members, I recognise that a complete consensus is unlikely. However, I want to ensure that as many people as possible can feed into the final report so that RICS will be in a strong position to rise to the challenges, rebuild its reputation and re-establish trust with members, firms and stakeholders around the world.
I will be making firm recommendations on the purpose and governance structure of RICS, and providing advice on values, culture and strategy which can be taken forward by the incoming leadership team and Governing Council.
I will use this website to keep you updated on progress. I am today inviting you to contribute to this Review by sharing your thoughts on the Purpose, Governance, Strategy and Culture of RICS. The call for evidence will close at midnight on the 22nd January 2022.
I know that RICS has undertaken several reviews and consultations in the recent past and you may be suffering from a degree of consultation fatigue. Nonetheless, I want this Review to be a positive one and I hope you will want to be involved in shaping the future of the Institution and I look forward to hearing from you’.
What are the objectives of the review?
‘To create clarity about RICS’ purpose given its current position and the context within which the profession and Institution operate
To make proposals for the future which will put RICS in a position to stand as a beacon for best practice in governance, transparency, and accountability – strengthening the reputation and position of members and the Institution itself with the public, industry and governments
To make proposals for the new leadership and governance body on ensuring that RICS’ strategy, governance structures, culture and resources are appropriate to meet its purpose; contain mechanisms whereby they can be reviewed and refreshed so they remain relevant in the future; and support its obligations to act for the public advantage.’
These outcomes will then be taken forward by the RICS Governing Council.
What is the current status of the review?
As of January 2022, the Review’s initial call for evidence was open with a closing date of 21st January 2022.
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We offer a range of short and long-term support packages in our eShop, including our popular Monthly Mentoring and Kick Start packages. These can include an RICS APC or AssocRICS Counsellor in certain circumstances.
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Stay tuned for our next blog post to help build a better you.
N.b. Nothing in this article constitutes legal, professional or financial advice.